We have spent some time decoding and transcribing English Secretary hand and today we are going to take a closer look at the materials used
to create those letter forms.
Enter the quill, ink, and laid paper.
In 1576, scribes were utilizing writing tools made from the
flight feathers of birds like geese and swans. The hollow barrels of these natural pens were the perfect vessels for
delivering ink to paper.
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Alphabet sampler, English Secretary hand/ image Sarah Minegar. |
If you have ever watched a period film, you have probably seen an inaccurate portrayal of a quill, boasting an enormous plume. In reality, a quill wouldn't be so usable with all of its barbs intact; especially those adorned with downy lower barbs which would surely impact writing ability.
Instead, a scribe would strip the barbs and cut the shaft to a reasonable length (more like a modern day pen). Next, he would prepare the utensil for use as a writing device.
If one had to be patient in making their writing tools, one also had to be patient in preparing their inks. The most commonly used ink from the middle ages to the nineteenth century was iron gall ink, a combination of oak galls, iron sulfate, and gum arabic.
Iron gall ink is rather acidic and often compromises the paper it touches. Etching or transference often occurs in areas where this ink was applied heavily to paper. Check out the ink recipe below.
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Commonplace book, Late 17th Century, Osborn b115 (59r-58v)
Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library/
image https://travelingscriptorium.library.yale.edu |
To read more about inks and the ink making process:
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Mold and deckle for handmade paper./ image http://woodwaredesigns.com/
Rag paper is quite stable and so our Elizabeth I example is in very good shape, despite its age.
If you look at this manuscript on a light table, you will notice the imprint of the latticework and the chain lines in the paper itself.
Once you have seen a quill to paper, it won’t take long
to realize just how interconnected the form and function really are.
Remember those funny letter combinations (or ligatures) we
practiced in our first lesson? Now think back to your own experience with cursive or script?
Not only do the intertwined and looping letters minimize pen lifts and make for quicker, smoother writing, the structure of the quill and the process of ink
distribution almost necessitate the ligatures and letter formations that evolve.
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If you stop by the Washington's Headquarters unit, you can practice using a
quill and witness the melding of form and function firsthand. Image Folger. |
Barrett, Timothy. "European Papermaking Techniques 1300-1800." University of Iowa. http://paper.lib.uiowa.edu/european.php
Blake, Erin. “Learning to “Read” Old Paper.” The
Collation. Accessed October 20, 2016. http://collation.folger.edu/2012/06/learning-to-read-old-paper/
Germit. Scholar Sharpening a Quill, ca.
1630–35, oil on panel, 25 x 20.5
cm, oval, signed, center right, under quill, “GD” (GD in ligature). The Leiden Collection, New York, GD-104 (image) http://www.jhna.org/
“HOVV YOV OVGHT TO HOLD your penne.” (Image STC 6449.2
Bd.w.STC 3062) Luna.folger.edu
Jackson, Donald. Preparing a Quill. Rare Book School materials. English Paleography 1500-1700.
Leedham-Green, Elisabeth. English Handwriting 1500-1700: An Online Course. https://www.english.cam.ac.uk/ceres/ehoc/intro.html
Make a Real Feather Writing Quill. Accessed Octover 21, 2016. http://www.instructables.com/id/Make-a-real-feather-writing-quill/?ALLSTEPS#intro
Mold and Deckle for Handmade Paper (Image) http://woodwaredesigns.com/crafts/ppmolddeckle.html
Traveling Scriptorium. Iron
Gall Ink. Yale University Library. Accessed
Oct 24, 2016. https://travelingscriptorium.library.yale.edu/2013/03/21/iron-gall-ink/Wolfe, Heather. “Learning to Write the Alphabet.” The Collation. Accessed October 18, 2016. http://collation.folger.edu/2013/05/learning-to-write-the-alphabet/
Up next in the Decoding Shakespeare's Monarch Series
- Understanding Regnal Years
- Preservation 101: How Light and Humidity Impact Paper
- The Cursive Learning Curve & Future Historians' Dilemma
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