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LWS 4031 |
Effective and meaningful primary source investigation requires patience. You can begin piecing the story together by searching for clues.
To start, try to determine the document type and look for any special markings, as those provide you with information regarding the relevance of an individual manuscript. Sometimes it is necessary to read large portions of the document in order to determine the type. This is not always an easy process as the script or printing can pose legibility issues. Manuscripts written in foreign languages often further complicate the transcription and interpretation process.
Let's try a few document analysis activities...
Activity 1
Carefully examine
manuscript LWS 4031 (click image to enlarge) and complete the following questions.
OF DOCUMENT (Check one):
___________________________________________________________________________ |
___________________________________________________________________________ POSITION (TITLE, if known): ___________________________________________________________________________ |
___________________________________________________________________________ |
Activity 2
Think about what the document says:
the use of language and style
“not saying it” (what it leaves out)
Activity 3
Subject of this document (matters discussed or people, ideas, or events
Occasion (what event(s) or era does this mark…what is the time and place
of the piece, the current situation)
Audience (who this is created for, written to, or directed to)
Purpose (why it was created)
Speaker (who created this document)
Activity 4
Transcribe the document:
The examination of John Morrison taken this 28th
day of July 1800
before John Battoone, Joseph March & Andrew Bell, Magistrates
of the City of Perth Amboy. Who saith that he is a nation of
Carrickfergus in Ireland, has been 4 years in this country,
that he was hired last winter by one Abner Cloud who lived near Kings
bridge to go with him to the Western country to assist in carrying
the chain in surveying lands near Wheeling, that he continued
there about a month, and received six dollars from Mr. Cloud for
his services and returned to Philadelphia where he arrived on Monday the 21st instant (?)
in the evening and lodged at the Black Horse in Market Street, and
the next morning applied tothe overseer an Alderman who lives near the
(but whose name he does not remember) to be admitted into the Poor
house on account of a wound he had received from an Indian by a tomahawk in the
Shoulder, which disabled him from working.- that the Alderman
recommended his going to New York,where as he had arrived there first
from Ireland, andgave that he went with him to the Burlington
Stage Boat and paid a quarter dollar for his passage up.- that he
left Burlington on Tuesday evening and traveled to Trenton, from whence
he came through Brunswick to this place, being informed that he
could pass across Staten Island to New York.
Taken before us, the day his
year above written~ John X Morrison mark
John Battoone
Joseph March
Andrew Bell
before John Battoone, Joseph March & Andrew Bell, Magistrates
of the City of Perth Amboy. Who saith that he is a nation of
Carrickfergus in Ireland, has been 4 years in this country,
that he was hired last winter by one Abner Cloud who lived near Kings
bridge to go with him to the Western country to assist in carrying
the chain in surveying lands near Wheeling, that he continued
there about a month, and received six dollars from Mr. Cloud for
his services and returned to Philadelphia where he arrived on Monday the 21st instant (?)
in the evening and lodged at the Black Horse in Market Street, and
the next morning applied to
(but whose name he does not remember) to be admitted into the Poor
house on account of a wound he had received from an Indian by a tomahawk in the
Shoulder, which disabled him from working.- that the Alderman
recommended his going to New York,
from Ireland, and
Stage Boat and paid a quarter dollar for his passage up.- that he
left Burlington on Tuesday evening and traveled to Trenton, from whence
he came through Brunswick to this place, being informed that he
could pass across Staten Island to New York.
Taken before us, the day his
year above written~ John X Morrison mark
John Battoone
Joseph March
Andrew Bell
John Morrison’s Examination
28th July 1800
Collecting Evidence
Let’s take a look at the document and see what clues we
have been given.
At our institution, a processed manuscript is filed by its
originator or creator. This means I must determine who created the manuscript
(a task that is not without its own complications). Often times manuscripts
list names and places, but not all are clearly marked or signed by their
creator. For example, this document has four signatures at the bottom of the
page. Did any of these men draft the above document or was that the duty of a
courtroom recorder? Or perhaps a lawyer? Sometimes these answers aren’t
apparent but must be inferred by comparison to other similar cases or by
studying the history of court room practices. Take a careful look at the
document. Look closely for familiar place names.
Several bits of information are spoken outright though. For
example, the fact that this document is a court examination of one John
Morrison examined by Perth
Amboy magistrates John Batoone, Joseph March, and Andrew
Bell is clearly stated. The places Morrison traveled during the month of July
1800 are also stated, as is the name of his former employer, and information
regarding his emigration from Ireland .
Other clues (even those that at first may seem insignificant)
reveal more of the story. A reader can discern that he first emigrated to New
York from Carrickfergus, Ireland four years prior, that he worked for Abner
Cloud in Kingsbridge the previous winter as a chain carrier for survey work,
that after he received payment from Cloud he traveled to Philadelphia where he
asked permission to take lodging in a poor house and thus received help from an
Alderman, that said Alderman suggested he travel to New York, that at some
point he encountered a Native American and subsequently suffered a shoulder
wound thus impairing his ability to work, that he took the Burlington Stage
Boat for twenty five cents on Tuesday July 22nd, and that before he was to
arrive in New York he appeared in court in Perth Amboy, New Jersey. With all of
this said, there are still many gaps in the story of John Morrison, and to fill
in those gaps a bit of interrogation
is necessary. Sometimes a document has to be grilled for information, but we'll
save that for our next session, Step Two: Interrogation.
This blog series by Sarah Minegar, Archivist and Museum Educator.
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